Wave Energy Device in Stockholm Archipelago

Swedish wave energy company Novige has deployed its 1:5 scale NoviOcean wave energy device in the Stockholm archipelago for a 10-week testing period. The tests will focus on the durability and wear of the device, its upgraded control system, output, moorings, and the ability to operate fully remotely controlled.

The main goal of the tests is to confirm that all systems can function without any major problems and to validate the performance data from the test rig at KTH University, where the device has been running on and off since the fall of 2021.

The NoviOcean device is a floating non-resonant point absorber wave energy converter which extracts energy from the vertical motion of the waves. It is comprised of two main subsystems: the “rectangular float” and the “inverted hydro power plant PTO.”

Juan Guillermo Zapata Tamayo

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